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There’s No Time Like The Present!
Contact us to see how we can help.

This is where we start…
Free Consultation
There’s No Time Like The Present!
Contact us to see how we can help.
Having a compelling vision and a clear road map as to how to get there is as important as having a flexibile, dynamic team working together to drive your business. Let us help you take your idea to market or your business to the next level.

Time, People and Focus are some of the most valuable elements of success. How you manage these or how you Focus your Resources will greatly impact the Value you Create. We have simple tools that can be applied at a business or personal level to help you achieve your goals.

Let’s Explore...
Contact us to see how we can help.
There’s No Time Like The Present!
The task of helping ideas gain traction is just as critical as the new ideas themselves… the real reward lies in seeing the idea make a difference
Developing your Customer Experience…
Grow Your Team & Keep Your Customers Coming Back!
We look at all aspects of your Customer Journey and Customer Experience to help identify what makes your experience so special… empowering your team and rewarding your loyal customers. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make all the difference.
Your Customer Experience is probably the most important challenge that will impact your bottom line, your team performance and long-tern success. In most industries it costs 5 times more to get a new customer than retain an existing one. However, If you can create a compelling Customer Experience you will not only create “Raving Fans”… they’ll want to tell others about you!

“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” – JOHN DRYDEN
Let’s Explore...
Contact us to see how we can help.
There’s No Time Like The Present!
The most important thing is to take the first 2mm step…
2 mm Principle
“Understanding that tiny improvements or refinements made every day (2mm steps), compounds to create a change your Team would never dream of”. With today’s challenging environment it is increasingly important that companies have a clear picture of their current position and adapt to embrace future opportunities. Our tools can help you and your Team focus on what matters.
Identifying and Managing Change
©JML Consulting 2004
"2mm Principle"
is based on the Japanese word Kaizen – gradual change and simple constant improvements.
Putting you in the driving seat...
The task of helping ideas gain traction is just as critical as the new ideas themselves… the real reward lies in seeing the idea make a difference.
©JML Consulting 2004
Leading through Change
The ability to execute a strategy is the most important ability a company needs to compete and win in today’s competitive environment.
- STRATEGY – Planning – Budgeting – Strategic Direction!
- TACTICS – Organising – Managing – Staffing – Building Commitment!
- EXECUTION – Controlling – Problem Solving – Making it Happen!
©JML Consulting 2004
Let’s Explore...
Contact us to see how we can help.
There’s No Time Like The Present!
Being unreasonable can often be the reasonable thing to do… if you want to make true progress.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
Give me a lever long enough and a prop strong enough , I can single-handedly move the world!

Succeeding on Purpose
Everyone can help leverage success with the right tools, knowledge and focus. When you find the secrets that drives success in your business you want to be able to repeat the success again and again.
Having worked with large global entities, SMEs and start-ups we know it’s important have the right tools to help achieve the clarity, focus, collaboration and productivity required to deliver success.
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Innovation Process